The Institute of Interreligious Dialogue and Islamic Studies (IRDIS) Tangaza University college today 1st November 2019 hosted a conference on the theme “Unity of God;Unity in God”, in collaboration with Prof. Mohammad Shomali, Founding Director of the International Institute for Islamic Studies in Qum, Iran and the Director of Islamic Center of England, London.
This occasion also marks the launch of the Institute of Interreligious Dialogue and Islamic Studies in Tangaza University College.
The theme of this year’s meeting “Unity of God – Unity in God,” obviously goes to the very heart of the faith of Muslims and Christians. Both share a belief in the Oneness of God, but the way they express that belief is profoundly different.
Dr. Mohamed Ali Shomali gave a key note speech on the demonstration of the foundations of unity; Quranic notions of the Religion and the book.
Other speakers included Fr. Innocent Maganya who gave a speech on Unity of God, Unity in God and Holy Trinity.
The Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of Iran gave a talk on Unity of God from Islamic Perspective.